Monday, January 4, 2010

First post of the New Year!

Hello everyone!

First off, Happy New Year to all :) I hope everybody had a safe holiday and got to spend some time with friends and loved ones. Right now I am am trying to get organized for the new year, and cut out some of my desire to procrastinate, as that is no way begin 2010.

Just wanted to let you all know that my NEW ZINE "SLACKING ON THE JOB" is now for sale at Little Paper I'm very happy about this because the site is just awesome and has a lot of great artwork and books and zines on it by a lot of people I admire.

It's my first zine by the way and contains a lot of sketchbook-type drawings, many from a few years ago.

1 comment:

Kelly Lynn Jones said...

yay we are happy to have you on little paper planes!