These past few months have been busy ones, although I don't have many blog posts to show for it. Been working on a lot of projects and works for things yet to be released. Here's the rundown:
-Just finished working on a record sleeve jacket design (a screenprint to be wrapped around a gatefold record sleeve). This is a project that has been in the works for quite a while. I worked on the cover design for the record back in 2010 I believe. Been so long I can't quite remember. But this is the final part of the project, and it should be released in the coming months.
-Worked on a collaborative comic project. It was my first time doing a graphic novel/comic strip style layout, and I would say I learned a lot in the process. However, if I make another attempt at it, I'll probably illustrate my own narrative.
-Created a postcard for the Postcards From the Edge show, hosted by Visual Aids. That's coming up soon at the beginning of January.
-Made some new images to add to my website. Trying to flesh that out a bit.
-Created a character for a collaborative project based in Venezuela.
-Made quite a few drawings/paintings for Christmas gifts.